Articles featuring:
Digital lenders
5 ways inflation will impact private debt
The rise of inflation as an economic force has complicated the outlook for investors, many of whom have seen historic losses in fixed income portfolios in the first quarter of 2022. But in private credit markets investors may actually benefit from features of this asset class, including variable interest rates, [...]
Risk scoring: How investors can assess digital lenders
Risk scoring is at the heart of many lending approaches. The regulations that govern digital lending are typically less stringent than those in the banking space. This makes it even more essential for potential investors to analyse how a credit platform is pricing and managing risk, believes Miguel de Abreu [...]
Digital lenders set to see spike in demand from businesses as Covid guarantee scheme loans expire
With European government aid schemes coming to an end, digital lenders have a lucrative opportunity to write considerably more business. Traditional banks are often reluctant to dive head first into the SME sector - they often don’t have the back-end infrastructure they need to make servicing large numbers of [...]
The role of private debt as a portfolio diversifier for institutional investors
Amid the low yields on offer on traditional fixed-income assets, private debt is emerging as a strong alternative. For institutional investors, adding private debt exposures to their portfolios can help improve diversification due to the low correlation of private debt to equities and fixed income, as well as an [...]
Building industry standards for lending platforms in Germany
Alternative lenders are playing an increasingly important economic role in funding businesses, in Germany and across Europe. In 2021, the amount of lending to businesses through German marketplaces totaled 11.4 billion euros. At the same time, growing participation on the funding side by institutional investors has led to a [...]
How growth success factors have changed over time for European lending platforms
Over the past few years, we have engaged with more than 70 credit platforms. We have drawn many learnings from these onboarding processes. Since all of these platforms have gone through some form of due diligence process with us and since we maintain close relationships to their teams, we [...]
The challenges of investing in private debt – a US / Europe comparison
From time to time, I receive newsletter emails with the headline “X invested Y million in Z”. Anyone who has played an active role in a process that led to such a headline knows how supercharged the word “to invest” is with painful processes - all nighters, all the [...]
Challenges that alternative lenders and marketplaces face when connecting with experienced capital markets investors
First of all, I need to confess something: While CrossLend is a capital markets technology provider today, we started out as a P2P lending platform. We stopped our P2P operations a long time ago for a number of reasons, but the main reason was: complexity. While I cannot state [...]
The potential of private credit as an asset class in the Government’s economic plan
How CrossLend’s digital debt marketplace could efficiently fund key investment objectives outlined in the Irish Programme for Government 2020 by channeling institutional private debt. The government coalition parties (Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party) have now put in place their programme for Government, implementation of which will [...]
What’s the outlook for UK non-bank lenders?
COVID-19 has been in the UK for at least six months and its influence doesn’t appear to be waning anytime soon. The average Jo(e) will no doubt have experienced a change in attitudes towards facial coverings and working from home, but financial professionals have also witnessed a fundamental change in [...]
Supporting SME Funding as part of the COVID-19 economic recovery
Over the past few months, in the face of a global pandemic, Ireland’s health care systems and citizens have been tested by uncertainty and scarcity. As the new Irish coalition government ‘beds in’ and the economy begins to reopen, businesses now face a similar uncertainty and scarcity. But for [...]